Copyright © 2021 Asquith Magpies
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Name: Mick Tickner
Number: 0412 886 083
Contact us via email or online
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11-37 Alexandria Parade
Waitara NSW 2077 Australia
What an amazing night!!!
The Mighty Magpies got the win 12 – 6 over Berowra Wallabies in the Saturday Metro League A grade.
A massive crowd close to 1,000 people packed the hills and Lodge St side to witness a great game of footy and add to an electric atmosphere.
The A Grade boys continued on the winning ways, still undefeated in the Saturday Metro League.
Our next home game will be a top of the table battle against Sydney University Rugby League Football Club on the 19th of July book in the date now and let’s have another massive A Grade Saturday at Storey Park.
It was an exhausting day for our volunteers some starting at 6.30am and not leaving until 8.30pm. night.
Without their tireless efforts we wouldn’t be able to have held such a spectacular day.
From the minute the 6s ran onto the field till pack up.
Our ground manager officiated over every game from start to finish, our BBQ boys with help throughout the day, set up, cooked and packed up for 13hrs, our canteen staff did the same.
We as a club can’t thank you all enough
So many new faces helped as well as our regulars and the day couldn’t run without you.
To see so many smiling faces as kids ran out of the dressing rooms had fun on the field, then played on the sideline is why we all do it, great job everyone
Copyright © 2021 Asquith Magpies
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